Product Information
For years, Typing Instructor has helped individuals improve theirtypingskills. Now, Typing Instructor for Kids delivers the same proventypingmethods for children in an entertaining and educational environment. OnTyperIsland, you will explore five exciting lands on your way to the castle.In eachland, you will learn new keys, experience exciting typing challenges& beengaged by fun games. Now, with a foundation ofessential typing skills, children will have the skills they need tocomplete homework quicker, and they'll possess the basic Internetskills they need toexcel.
For years, Typing Instructor has helped individuals improve theirtypingskills. Now, Typing Instructor for Kids delivers the same proventypingmethods for children in an entertaining and educational environment. OnTyperIsland, you will explore five exciting lands on your way to the castle.In eachland, you will learn new keys, experience exciting typing challenges& beengaged by fun games. Now, with a foundation ofessential typing skills, children will have the skills they need tocomplete homework quicker, and they'll possess the basic Internetskills they need toexcel.
Product Features
- Capture the Castle! - Typer Island is anexcitingplace to learn to type! Follow the road to theCastle, traveling in five unique lands. Once inside the castle, you'llfindseveral fun & engaging activities to help you refine yourkeyboardingskills.
- New Adventures! - Enjoy the new ExplorerIsle& the Cave. Learn proven typing methods toadvance your skill in Story Lagoon.
- Seven New Friends Help You Achieve Your TypingGoals- Toby and Lafitte, the invaluable guides on Typer Island, arefriendlier thanever! Plus, kids interact with Jack O'Hare, Simon de Vorak, and othernewcharacters through each land.
- Exciting New Characters - Seven excitingnewcharacters include Jack, Simon, Lucy, Billy and Max that willhelp you through each section.
- Skill Settings Offer a Personalized Experience- Kids ofvarying skill levels should never have to start at the same place orprogress at the same speed. Typing Instructor for Kids now offersvarying,skill-level settings which allow young students to advance at differentpaces.
Fun Activities Included
- The Old West - Youwill learnthe home row keys in the dusty Old West. Playing inIzzy's Oasis and Wild Bill's teaches you proper finger-to-key placementandhelps build basic typing speed and accuracy.
- On the Water - Keepyour fingers paddling and reach for keys beyond the home row playingErik the Viking and Gone Fishin'.
- In the Air - Yourfingers will be flying when you develop a steady typing rhythm andmaster essential proficiency skills to play Diamond Glider and FlotsamFighterII. Blast off!
- Under the Sea - Masterthe most challenging keys and escape danger playing in the murky depthsof Typer Shark Abyss and Sea Creatures. Look out!
- Over the Edge - Furthersharpenyour speed and dexterity in rugged terrain while playingCliffhanger and Xtreme Typing.
Windows Requirements
Item Condition: New
- Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP
- Pentium class PC or higher
- 480 MB Hard Disk Space Available
- CD-ROM Drive
- 800 x 600, 16-Bit Color Display
- Sound Card
- Speakers or Headphones
- Mouse
- DirectX8 compatible Video Card
Item Condition: New